We have just concluded a weekend full of events, including the kickoff, a cultural event and activities aimed at bringing recognition to UCNE and the topics it deals with. We are happy to announce that in the town of Peja, EPEKA Montenegro carried out the first activity of its project Understanding and Resisting Nationalist Extremism – the Western Balkans and the Question of Kosovo, financed by the Erasmus+ Project.
With a formal event we have also marked the opening of the EPEKA Kosovo and celebrated the Slovenian Day of Culture, Prešeren Day. For their support, we would like to extend our gratitude to His Excellency Bojan Bertoncelj, Slovenian Ambassador to Kosovo (Veleposlaništvo Slovenije v Prištini / Embassy of Slovenia in Pristina) and His Excellency Phillip S. Kosnett, U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo (U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo).
Epeka Austria, EPEKA UK, Epeka Serbia, EPEKA Germany, Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS, Urad RS za mladino, European Commission #erasmus #erasmusplus #erasmusplus
The event took place 7th – 9th February 2020 in Peja, Kosovo.